Meet Leonel Cigars
The Leonel Cigars Lounge is a refuge for all who appreciate smoking excellent cigars in the classy ambiance typical for Leonel Cigars, a lounge with a cosy fireplace in the background.
In the Leonel Cigars Lounge all the cigar blends of Leonel Cigars are exhibited. Artefacts on display and accounts of the origins of Leonel Cigars give visitors valuable insight into the Leonel brand.
The latest prototypes from the Leonel manufactory in Nicaragua can also be tasted in the Leonel Cigars Lounge. We are keen to hear your opinion too.
Leonel Cigar Lounge
c/o Paul Bugge GmbH
Spittelbronner Weg 46
D – 78056 Villingen-Schwenningen
Opening hours
Monday – Friday:
9h00 – 12h00 and 14h00 – 18h00
9h00 – 13h00
(or by appointment)