Leonel Cigars is an exclusive premium brand by Paul Bugge Cigars, created by the cigar enthusiasts Norbert and Daniel Höldke. Characteristic for this exquisite long filler is its complex taste:
A well thought through composition of choice tobaccos, combines a variety of aromas into a harmonious ensemble. For the production of Leonel cigars tobaccos from cultivation areas in more than 20 countries are selected and completely hand-made by experienced Torcedores in Nicaragua.
With seating space for 20 persons in a relaxed atmosphere in elegant Leonel-design, the new flagship lounge in the capital invites visitors to immerse themselves in the “World of Leonel”. The complete collection is integrated on an own floor in the well-known cigar shop Reich, only a few minutes’ walk from the Berliner Str. underground station. Here interested newcomers to the cigar scene as well as regular Aficionados can get together for a chat with like-minded individuals over a fine smoke, escaping the hectic of the big city. Furthermore, in the course of the year four events related to the Leonel brand will take place in the Leonel Cigars Lounge, special tastings will be held as well as get-togethers when new products are introduced.